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For nearly 17 years David Cope has worked as one of the Tower of London's yeoman warders, _________(51)known to tourists as beefeaters.David,64,lives in a three-bedroomed flat right at the_______(52)of the Byward Tower,one of the gatehouses."_________(53)our bedroom we have a marvelous view of Tower Bridge and the Thames",says David.
The Tower of London is famous__________(54)its ravens,the large black birds which have lived there for over three centuries.David was immediately fascinated by the birds and when he was _________(55)the post of Raven Master eight years ago he had no_________(56)in accepting it. "The birds have now become my life and I'm always_________(57)of the fact that I am _________(58)a tradition.The legend says that if the ravens leave the Tower,England will fall to enemies,and it's my job to__________(59)sure this doesn't happen!"
David________(60)about four hours a day to the care of the ravens.He has grown to love them and the_________(61)that he lives right next to them is ideal."1 can_________(62)a close eye on them all the time,and not just when I'm working."_________(63),David's wife Mo was not __________ (64)on the idea of life in the Tower,but she too will he sad to leave when he retires next year."When we look out of our windows,we see history_________(65)around us,and we are taking it in and storing it up for our future memories."

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It is absolutely vital that food supplies should be maintained.
DNA Fingerprinting
DNA is the genetic material found within the cell nuclei of all living things. In mammals(哺乳动物)
the strands of DNA are grouped into structures called chromosomes(染色体).With the exception of identical
twins,the complete DNA of each individual is unique.
DNA fingerprinting is sometimes called DNA typing. It is a method of identification that compares bits
of DNA.A DAN fingerprint is constructed by first drawing out a DNA sample from body tissue or fluid such
as hair , blood,or saliva(唾液).The sample is then segmented using enzymes(酶),and the segments are
arranged by size.The segments are marked with probes and exposed on X-ray film,where they form a pat-
tern of black bars一the DNA fingerprint.If the DNA fingerprints produced from two different samples match,
the two samples probably came from the same person.
DNA fingerprinting was first developed as an identification technique in 1985.Originally used to detect
the presence of genetic diseases,it soon came to be used in criminal investigations and legal affairs.The first
criminal conviction based on DNA evidence in the United States occurred in 1988.In criminal investiga-
tions,DNA fingerprints derived from evidence collected at the crime scene are compared to the DNA finger-
prints of suspects.Generally,courts have accepted the reliability of DNA testing and admitted DNA test re-
sults into evidence.However,DNA fingerprinting is controversial in a number of areas:the accuracy of the
results,the cost of testing,and the possible misuse of the technique.
The accuracy of DNA fingerprinting has been challenged for several reasons. First,because DNA segments
rather than complete DNA strands are"fingerprinted";a DNA fingerprint may not be unique;large-scale
research to confirm the uniqueness of DNA fingerprinting.test results has not been conducted.In addition,
DNA fingerprinting is often done in private laboratories that may not follow uniform testing standards and
quality controls.Also,since human beings must interpret the test,human error could lead to false results.
DNA fingerprinting is expensive.Suspects who are unable to provide their own DNA to experts may not
be able to successfully defend themselves against charges based on DNA evidence.
Widespread use of DNA testing for identification purposes may lead to the establishment of a DNA
fingerprint database.
It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that DNA fingerprinting________.
A:is costly to the police
B:could be a social issue
C:is the only way to prove innocence
D:has been a profitable business
In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before,many people are being ________(51)to the idea of looking back into the past.One way they can do this is by investigating their own family history.They can try to_________(52)out more about where their families came from and what they did.This is now a fast-growing hobby,especially in countries with a ________(53)short history,like Australia and the United States.
It is__________(54)thing to spend some time__________(55)through a book on family history and to take the_________(56)to investigate your own family's past.It is__________(57)another to carry out the research work successfully.It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and __________(58)yourself many problems which could have been_________(59)with a little forward planning.
If your own family stories tell you that you are_________(60)with a famous character,whether hero or criminal,do not let this idea take over your research.Just _________(61) it as an interesting possibility. A simple system_________(62)collecting and storing your information will be ad-equate to start with;a more complex one may only get in your_________(63).The most important thing,though,is to___________(64)started.Who knows what you__________(65)find?
The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity.
Our meeting was quite accidental.
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