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Should I receive any messages while I am in the meeting, kindly hold them for me till after the oil company representatives have left.

A.Should B.while I am in the meeting C.kindly hold them for D.oil company representatives have left E.没有问题

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Schools and colleges have no right to use our public money to promote conduct that is ( )to the religious and moral values of parents and taxpayers.

A.conducive B.comparable C.pointing D.offensive

The sentence given to the criminal was much too ( ) ; murder should carry the maximum penalty.

A.negligent B.solitary C.lenient D.tedious

Moshe Katzma, 24, denied any ( )with the beating given to the homeless man,who was found outside a National Headquarters office.

A.involvement B.admission C.isolation D.access

Last year the director of our company was accused(1) corruption and arrested. At his (2)three senior government (3)testified that he had attempted to bribe them. In the end he was found guilty and sentenced to fifteen years in(4) .

I’m sorry, but I don’t have(1 ) to that sort of information. Perhaps if you consult my colleagues upstairs, they can (2)you.

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