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The students were supposed to ( )their assignment by now.

A.finish B.have finished C.finishing D.having finished

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( )their economic system is reformed, the destiny of that country will be hard to predict.

A.Only after B.Unless C.Now that D.As long as

Although the body is made up of many different tissues, these tissues are arranged in an( )and orderly fashion.

A.incredible B.intricate C.internal D.initial

Marry ( )my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.

A.has received B.ought to have received C.couldn't have received D.shouldn’t have received

I ( )the packages up before taking them to the post office.

A.bumped B.bundled C.bulked D.bunched

The Queen’s visit to China was largely( ) . But it ended an unhappy chapter in the relationship.

A.synthetic B.representative C.international D.symbolic
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