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No form of government in the world is ( ); each system reflects the history and present needs of the region or the nation.

A.dominant B.influential C.integral D.drastic

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All theories( ) from practice and in turn serve practice.

A.originate B.restrain C.modify D.reflect

Native-places, which transcend national boundaries to become central to the organization of emigrants communities, have historically been at the root of social organization with China. Native place has traditionally referred to the particular village or region where one’s ancestors originated. It signifies not only the physical place itself but also the deep attachments to the land, customs, and people from that place that are forged through generations of shared ancestry and history. It is through these bonds and sentiments, signified by genealogical connections to the ancestors buried there as well as contact with the soil and water, that space is turned into place. Ties to native place are inherited, so that even immigrants to other parts of China would still claim their grandfather’s native place as their own place of origin, even if they had never been there. As the second and third generations, many American-born Chinese Americans have learned about China only second-hand through family stories or media and popular culture images. For them China is at the same time a distant and foreign place and a place to which they have a connection. In this sense, ideas about China that came across in a highly mediated fashion are of central importance to the ways that Chinese Americans perceive their Chineseness.For many young overseas Chinese, ties to China carry little emotional or practical importance, and personal identity may only partly involve identification as Chinese. They distinguish between “cultural roots and citizenship”. Many Chinese overseas, removed from mainland China by time and cultural distance visit China without a desire to find their ancestral villages. For many Chinese Americans, Beijing represents the essence of Chinese civilization. They may identify more the Great Wall with their native villages. Images of China come in packaged representations through the media, history books, and documentaries. This phenomenon is represented in overseas Chinese tourism, which combines an interest in general Chinese history with a tenuous connection to home villages. Most visits to the mainland, organized by foreign travel agencies within Chinese communities abroad, involve a tour of major historical sites and famous cities in China, most often followed by a trip to the native village. Therefore, it is through their experiences in China that Chinese Americans reevaluate and reframe their ideas about Chineseness in relation to their identities as Chinese Americans. It is through interaction with their places of ancestral origin in China that Chinese Americans remake these places into transnational space connecting America and China. Chinese-American roots-searching trips to China must be viewed within a multi-layered political and historical context, and as more of a reterritorialization than a return to territory. Ideas of place can be transformed from afar from concrete notions of villages to abstract notions of nation, or they can be overlaid as geographies to tame an unfamiliar and hostile environment. Even from a distance, China remains relevant to Chinese Americans in numerous ways as a powerful influence shaping their identities.1.What would be the best title for this passage?2.It can be inferred that the packaged representations may be the ones that( ).3.How do young overseas Chinese look at their land of origin?4.What is the tone of the writer in interpreting the phenomenon about native-place ties?

A.The Significance of Native-place Ties to Chinese Immigrants. B.The Influence of Foreign Land on Chinese Overseas. C.The Dilemma of Cultural Roots and Citizenship. D.The Attractiveness of the Ancestry Villages.
A.show shared history and ancestry among overseas Chinese B.would help overseas Chinese to search for their identities C.encompass everything in planning tourism for overseas Chinese D.have produced images from various sources for overseas Chinese
A.Positively. B.Indifferently. C.Practically. D.Eagerly.
A.Impartial. B.Confidential. C.Subjective. D.Reproachful.

Government is an institution resulting from man’s group way of life which maintains a set of social controls in order to prevent chaos. In a small,homogeneous,simple society, these social controls can be imposed and enforced by the family or clan. But in a large, heterogeneous complex society,the institution of government takes over this function.For purposes of analysis,social control may be divided into moral control and political control. Moral control derives from the internalized beliefs and values of a society and regulations, each individual’s behavior without the use of outside enforcement. Political control does involve enforcement from the outside since the individual is not always certain that the rule he is following is just and right. He follows it to conform,to avoid punishment, or to receive social rewards.Political control is an outgrowth of moral control,and its effectiveness depends on the willingness of the members of society to accept the government’s authority as just and right. A government that is forced to coerce or threaten most of its members into accepting political control not backed with moral control will not survive long. In addition,a wide discrepancy between moral and political control will result in a condition of general lawlessness. Such a condition has occurred in the United States on several occasions and is now evident among some groups of society according to “The Roots of Lawlessness” by historian Henry Steele Commander.Government, a major social institution, may be viewed as a set of procedures by which a society realizes a good portion of its goals. Government is further unique as an institution because it serves to reinforce the function of other institutions. Thus,individuals violating the rules and regulation of the economic,educational,or family institutions must ultimately face the punitive power of government.1.A condition characterized by the absence of social organization and social control, and by the belief that political authority is unnecessary is( ).2.The internalized form of social control is( ).3.Legitimate power rightfully exercised is called( ).4.Which statement is NOT correct?

A.moral control B.political power C.anarchy D.authority
A.commitment B.power C.authority D.government
A.authority B.charisma C.legitimacy D.morality
A.Political control must occasionally be controlled by an outside force. B.Political control can exist without moral control in a society. C.Political control reinforce moral control. D.Political control emanates from within.

The new documentary Bully is powerful stuff. Try to get through even just the opening sequence without tearing up. Hopefully it will wake up parents,teachers,and school administrators. But let’s also hope they respond thoughtfully to this burning film, because too often in our rush to address a problem, American educators and politicians have a well-intentioned overreaction that minimizes common sense in favor of blanket solutions.Many schools in the United States are genuinely trying to curb child-on-child abuse and,at long last,are paying more attention to the cruel,unpleasant remarks. But at the same time, we have to remember that not every unpleasant, or even adverse,interaction between students constitutes bullying. In some places, anti-bullying policies are now so expansive that they make eye-rolling a punishable offense,lumping it in with other forms of verbal and physical assault. Doing so not only takes a serious issue to the realm of the absurd,it also dilutes the importance of anti-bullying efforts in general. If everything is bullying, then nothing is.Some kids have already figured out how to turn the new system on its head. In some schools’ zeal to address bullying, every claim is immediately elevated beyond the classroom teacher to a meeting with the principal. A parent in California said that last month that an elementary-school bully began threatening to report her victims as bullies so they would have to suffer through such a meeting—and in effect creating a bullying hall of mirrors.We’ve been here before. Weapons and drugs in schools are a serious problem,too. In response,school districts, states,and the federal government began to favor zero-tolerance policies. In short order, “zero-tolerance” policies became the joking point for late-night comics as kids were suspended for bringing to school aspirin, acne medicine, or a G. I. Joe doll with a small plastic gun.The obvious lesson there and with bullying is that there is no substitute for discretion and judgment by the adults in charge. In some circumstances, eye-rolling could be abusive behavior just as aspirin can be used or abused. But adults shouldn’t give up the hard role of making nuanced judgment calls by creating ridiculously rigid discipline codes. Replacing thoughtless inaction with thoughtless action won’t solve the problem.1.What does the author say about people’s reaction to bullying?2.What is the strategy of the kids in dealing with anti-bullying policies?3.The “zero-tolerance” policies towards drugs and weapons ended up being( ).4.The word “there” in the first line of the last paragraph refers to( ).

A.They wake up thoughtfully. B.They demonstrate little common sense. C.They attach importance to the film. D.They go too far.
A.To assault the principal at the meeting. B.To turn the classroom into a wall of mirrors. C.To pay attention to kids’ verbal remarks. D.To render them ineffective by abusing bullying.
A.elevated B.suspended C.ridiculed D.condemned
A.with eye-rolling and punishable offenses B.with verbal and physical assaut C.with aspirin and acne medicine D.with drugs and weapons

This is the industrialist’s( ): invest, and risk going bankrupt, or not invest and risk losing your share of the market.

A.paradox B.junction C.premise D.dilemma
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