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How( ) will the project be finished?句意: 完成这项工程要多久?

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I have ( )good news for you: John( ) has to buy your old motorcycle.

(1 ) China and India have a problem with overpopulation, but China’s birthrate is now(2) lower than India’s.

(1) of a series of unforeseen problems, Professor Bandini and his research group don’t have(2 )money to finish their current project. Bandini has(3) to the ministry for (4)funds.

Even as a child I was not a great fan of cartoon, but my daughter watches them whenever she can, with no apparent ill effects on her attitude or her performance at school.

A.Even as a child B.fan of cartoon C.them whenever she can D.apparent ill effects on her E.没有问题

The hotel(1) in the article is where we stayed when we were in Paris for the conference. It’s located about two blocks from where the conference was(2) .

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