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The matter is ( ) settled; we may look upon it as being settled.

A.as long as B.for good C.for sure D.as good as

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Innovative product platforms like the portable transistor radio and the Walkma( )the digital lifestyle era.

A.set the stage for B.shed light on C.made sense of D.gave a hand to

History will always( )any intended route and take an unforeseen one instead.

A.lead to B.deviate from C.pass through D.result from

This ( ) is a national prize and is awarded for the best score by a player under 16 years of age.

A.trophy B.treat C.trifle D.tribute

Those who got angry and crazy set fire to cars and shops in the Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, then the problems( ) .

A.evolved B.evaporated C.escalated D.exalted

My father was a nuclear engineer, a very academically ( )man with multiple degrees from prestigious institutions.

A.promoted B.activated C.oriented D.functioned
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