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It is especially important that test books not be left( )under any circumstances, and they should never be within easy access of the examinees after the test book distribution and collection.

A.unattended B.unattached C.unassigned D.unassisted

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The bed has been ( )in the family. It was my great-grandmother’s originally.

A.handed out B.handed over C.handed down D.handed round

It is well known that knowledge is the( )condition for expansion of mind.

A.incompatible B.incredible C.indefinite D.indispensable

In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play ( )roles in raising children.

A.incapable B.indispensable C.insensible D.infinite

An international treaty signed several years ago ( )trade in plants and animals of endangered species.

A.bans B.eliminates C.promotes D.protects

The importance of interior design becomes ( )when we realize how much time we spend surrounded by four walls.

A.attractive B.appropriate C.evident D.obscure
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