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The passage states that Old Roman and Gregorian chant repertories are
A.less praiseworthy because of the absence of new listening strategies that allows listener to perceive their original context
B.evidence of the musical supremacy of Western musical culture in virtue of their interesting use of gender metaphors
C.wholly devoid of immanent musical characteristics, including but not limited to gender
D.usually given interpretations that reveal more about the mindset of musical critics throughout history than the compositions themselves
E.incapable of being explained, aesthetically speaking, by any form. of musical criticism

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The author regards the idea that gendering stems from a composer's "practical consciousness" of how musical expression works with
A.serious caution
B.strong indignation
C.marked indifference
D.moderate amusement
E.sharp derision

Foreign exchange dealing consists of two basic functions:______.
A.dealing upon customer order and self-trading
B.customer order facilitation and proprietary trading
C.customer dealing and self-trading
D.none of the above

Your grade will be based in large part on the originality of your ideas.

When a central bank allows the purchase or sale of domestic currency to have an effect on the monetary base and hence on the money supply, the intervention is said to be a/an______foreign exchange intervention.

Under a system of freely floating exchange rate, the value of a country's currency in terms of the currency of another country is determined by______.
A.the International Monetary Fund
B.international agreements between the two trading partners
C.supply and demand conditions for the currency of each country
D.trading activities in the money markets of each country

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