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I couldn’t( ) the lecture at all. It was too difficult for me.

A.take on B.take in C.take over D.take upon

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You will find the scenery is so beautiful if you view from the( ) of the hill.

A.ceiling B.summit C.mantle D.roof

The opening of Disneyland will bring many associated investment opportunities. At least four economic sectors will benefit directly. First, property markets. Housing and commercial real estate prices around the Disneyland area are already rising. Second, the tourism sector. After the opening, analysts expect 3 to 5 million more tourists will visit Shanghai every year, bring more business to hotels, travel agencies and retails. Third, brand marketing will give a boost to toy manufactures, publishers and the gaming industry. Fourth, construction companies and material suppliers will enjoy a huge increase, comparable to the 2010 Shanghai world Expo. Disneyland’s first phase of construction is expected to cost 24 billion yuan.

The new secretary has written a remarkably( )report only in a few pages but with all the details included.

A.concise B.clear C.precise D.elaborate

British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised the electorate that guns would not be fired without an attempt to win a further U. N. sanction.

A.allies B.delegates C.voters D.juries

She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her( ) to Scotland.

A.ticket B.place C.seat D.connection
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