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The teacher was amazed by the students’ ( ) in handing the computer.

A.verse B.version C.variability D.versatility

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All parts of this sewing machine are ( )so that it is very simple to get replacements for them.

A.mechanized B.minimized C.modernized D.standardized

A hush fell over the guests who had( )for the wedding celebration.

A.assembled B.participated C.attended D.summoned

Neglect has accelerated the process of this building’s ( )?

A.decline B.egeneration C.decay D.wither

The theory of( )was developed by Darwin and is now understood by nearly everybody in the world.

A.determination B.distribution C.discipline D.evolution

Crime is increasing worldwide, and there is every reason to believe the ( )will continue into the next decade.

A.emergency B.trend C.pace D.schedule
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