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The present contract is done in Chinese and English, both texts being equally( ).

A.valid B.warrant C.ration D.effect

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I suggested he should ( )himself to his new conditions.

A.adapt B.adopt C.regulate D.suit

The massive, black, horned buffalo, formerly found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, is a gregarious animal of open or scrub-covered plains and open forests.

A.rotten B.sociable C.wealthy D.beautiful

In mountainous regions, much of the snow that falls is compacted into ice.

A.broken down B.embedded C.compiled D.compressed

Why does a vegetarian restaurant make its dishes resemble meat in every way except ( )?

A.ingredients B.components C.elements D.compounds

As nineteenth century American cultural aspirations expanded, women stepped into a new role as interpreters of art, both by writing works on art history and by teaching art.

A.ambitions B.imagination C.patronage D.opportunities
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