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It can be inferred from the passage that the author was considered______.
A.first of all a scientist
B.no more than a born naturalist
C.a scientist as well as a naturalist
D.a naturalist but not a scientist

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People's decision of the method of studying for a test originates from______.
A.habitual behaviors
B.programmed decisions
C.impulsive actions
D.intuitive actions

From the passage, we may conclude that the writer is______.
A.in favor of holding the games for the disabled
B.against holding the games for the disabled
C.a disabled person who once took part in the games
D.one of the organizers of the games for the disabled


Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is welcomed by the British government.
B.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is from Germany.
C.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an injured soldier.
D.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an early organizer of the games for the disabled.

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