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Even if she is responsible for the mistake, she is not likely to( )it.

A.own up to B.live up to C.hold on to D.get down to

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In the 1970s, he became a tireless promoter for the drug as a cure for depression — which he once suffered from — and other ( ) .

A.ailments B.therapies C.tolls D.addictions

Older, less dogmatic theories better explained how the problems in the financial ( )dragged down the rest of the economy.

A.charter B.session C.chapel D.sector

No doll outshines Barbie’s celebrity. If all the Barbies and her family members — Skipper, Francie and the rest —sold since 1959 were placed head to toe, they would circle the Earth more than seven times. And sales boomed in 2009, when the fashion doll celebrated her 50th birthday on March 9th.Barbie starred at an array of global events honouring her milestone, including a glamorous affair at New York’s Fashion Week in February. On her birthday, Mattel, the company that makes her, launched a souvenir doll honouring the original Barbie in her black-and-white striped swimsuit and perfect ponytail. It was available for purchase only that one day. Another Golden Anniversary doll targets collectors. Barbie fans planned hundreds of events, including the National Barbie Doll Collectors Convention in Washington, D. C. , which was sold out.When Ruth Handler created Barbie in 1959, a post-war culture and economy thrived but girls still played with baby dolls. These toys limited the imagination ; so Handler introduced Barbie the Teen-Age Fashion Model, named after her daughter, Barbara. Jackie Kennedy soon walked onto the world stage and Barbie already had a wardrobe fit for a first lady. Barbie bestowed on girls the opportunity to dream beyond suburbia, even if Ken ( Barbie’s fictional boyfriend) at times tagged along.Barbie entranced Europe in 1961 and now sells in 150 countries. Every second three Barbies are sold around the world. Her careers are myriad — model, astronaut, Olympic swimmer, palaeontologist and rock star, along with 100 others, including president. Like any political candidate, controversy hit Barbie in 1992 when Teen Talk Barbie said “Math class is tough” and girls’ education became a national issue. She has been banned (in Saudi Arabia) , tortured (by pre- teen girls, according to researchers at the University of Bath’s School of Management) and fattened (in 1997).Feminists continue to batter Barbie, claiming that her beauty and curves treat women as objects. But others see her as a pioneer trendsetter, crashing the glass ceiling long before Hillary Clinton cracked it.High-tech entertainment now attracts girls and Barbie also faces fierce competition from various copycats including the more fashionable, but less charming, Bratz dolls. The Bratz suffered a setback in 2008. Mattel sued MGA Entertainment, Bratz’s producer, for copyright infringement. A judge awarded Mattel $ 100m in damages.1.According to Paragraph One, Barbie( ).2.To celebrate Barbie’s 50th birthday, ( ).3.Ruth Handler created Barbie in the hope that it would ( ).4.We can infer from Paragraph 4 that Barbie used to ( ).5.Feminists hate Barbie mostly because it symbolizes women’s ( ).6.According to the passage, MGA Entertainment ( ).

A.was born earlier than the dolls of any other brands B.has long been number one in the world of dolls C.has beaten other dolls in sales 7 times since 1959 D.was once taken aboard a spaceship circling the earth
A.a Barbie fan club was set up in Washington, D. C. B.the original Barbie was displayed in New York C.fashion shows were held worldwide on March 9 th D.Barbies based on its original design appeared on the market
A.dress as attractively as Jackie Kennedy did B.encourage girls to become fashion models C.help girls generate new ideas and wishes D.become her daughter’s constant companion
A.cause a debate in the U. S. about girls learning math B.act as a role model in more than 100 occupations C.face denial by the parents of many pre-teen girls D.become fatter to cater to the overweight girls
A.material comforts B.sexual attraction C.political power D.multiple talents
A.lost a fortune by losing a lawsuit B.sold a toy cat to compete with Barbie C.beat traditional Barbie with hi-tech D.filed a lawsuit against Mattel 

There is an immense and justified pride in what our colleges have done. At the same time there is a growing uneasiness about their product. The young men and women who carry away our degrees are a very attractive lot — in looks, in bodily fitness, in kindliness, energy, courage, and buoyancy.(1) That too is in some ways admirable ; for in spite of President Lowell’s remark that the university should be a repository of great learning, since the freshmen always bring a stock with them and the seniors take little away, the fact is that our graduates have every chance to be well informed, and usually are so. (2)When it becomes articulate, it takes the form of wishes that these attractive young products of ours had more intellectual depth and force, more freedom from trouble and worry in dealing with the different ideas, more of the firm, clear, quiet thoughtfulness that is a very potent and needed guard against fraudulence and deception which exist around them and keep harassing them constantly. (3)Firstly, granting that our graduates know a good deal, their knowledge lies about in fragments and never gets welded together into the stuff of a tempered and mobile mind. Secondly, our university graduates have been so busy boring holes for themselves, acquiring special knowledge and skills, that in later life they have astonishingly little in common in the way of ideas, standards, or principles. Thirdly, it is alleged that the past two decades have revealed a singular want of clarity about the great ends of living, attachment to which gives significance and direction to a life. (4)My argument will be simple, perhaps too simple. What I shall contend is that there is a great deal of truth in each of them, and that the remedy for each is the same.(5)

A.Yet the uneasiness persists. B.It is larger infusion of the philosophic habit of mind. C.But what of their intellectual equipment? D.Our colleges have failed. E.Here are three grave charges against American education, and I want to discuss them briefly. F.The complaint commonly breaks itself up into a list of three particulars.
A.Yet the uneasiness persists. B.It is larger infusion of the philosophic habit of mind. C.But what of their intellectual equipment? D.Our colleges have failed. E.Here are three grave charges against American education, and I want to discuss them briefly. F.The complaint commonly breaks itself up into a list of three particulars.
A.Yet the uneasiness persists. B.It is larger infusion of the philosophic habit of mind. C.But what of their intellectual equipment? D.Our colleges have failed. E.Here are three grave charges against American education, and I want to discuss them briefly. F.The complaint commonly breaks itself up into a list of three particulars.
A.Yet the uneasiness persists. B.It is larger infusion of the philosophic habit of mind. C.But what of their intellectual equipment? D.Our colleges have failed. E.Here are three grave charges against American education, and I want to discuss them briefly. F.The complaint commonly breaks itself up into a list of three particulars.
A.Yet the uneasiness persists. B.It is larger infusion of the philosophic habit of mind. C.But what of their intellectual equipment? D.Our colleges have failed. E.Here are three grave charges against American education, and I want to discuss them briefly. F.The complaint commonly breaks itself up into a list of three particulars.

There have been five extinction waves in the planet’s history — including the Permian extinction 250 million years ago, (1) an estimated 70% of all land animals and 96% of all marine creatures vanished. The sample polling of animal populations so far suggests that we may have entered (2) will be the planet’s sixth great extinction wave.Forests razed can grow back, polluted air and water can be cleaned — but (3) is forever. And we’re not talking about losing just a few species. In fact, conservationists quietly (4) that we’ve entered an age of triage (冶疗类选法),when we might have to decide which species can truly be(5) . The worst-case scenarios of habitat (6) and climate change — and that’s the pathway we seem to be (7) — show the planet losing hundreds of thousands to millions of species, (8) of which we haven’t even discovered yet.So(9) you care, about tigers and elephants, rhinos and orangutans, then you should be scared. But (10) shouldn’t leave us paralyzed. In hot spots like Madagascar and Brazil, conservationists are working with locals on the ground,(11) that the protection of endangered species is tied to the welfare of the people who live closest to them. A strategy known as avoided deforestation goes (12) , encouraging environmental protection (13) putting a price on the carbon locked in rain forests and allowing countries to trade credits in an international market, (14) that the carbon stays in the forest and is not cut or burned. It’s (15) that any of this will stop the sixth extinction wave, let alone preserve the biodiversity we still enjoy, but we have no choice but to try.

A.when B.because C.there D.so
A.that B.what C.when D.which
A.earth B.population C.evolution D.extinction
A.commit B.acknowledge C.rebuke D.deny
A.sampled B.surveyed C.saved D.tested
A.loss B.shift C.formation D.exclusion
A.above B.on C.over D.off
A.none B.any C.many D.all
A.that B.since C.if D.while
A.fear B.rumors C.species D.climate
A.ensure B.ensuring C.ensured D.having ensured
A.tougher B.worse C.further D.closer
A.about B.in C.for D.by
A.considering B.indicating C.supposed D.provided
A.uncertain B.unaware C.unpleasant D.unsuitable
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