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It is advisable that a general announcement ( )the teaching staff

A.will be made B.should make C.be made D.have been made

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A big problem in lemming English as a foreign language is lack of opportunities for ( )interaction with proficient speakers of English.

A.instantaneous B.provocative C.verbal D.dual

When she started working for the Johnson’s, Lisa showed ( )and was promotedto manager after only a year.

A.initiative B.ambition C.attribute D.curiosity

His career was not noticeably ( )by the fact that he had never been to college.

A.prevented B.restrained C.hindered D.refrained

There are serious problems of land ( )in some arid regions of Northwest China.

A.degradation B.fertilization C.enhancement D.dilemmas

The robbers broke into the bank, ( )the clerks with revolvers and forced them to give money just as they were about to knock off.

A.shot B.frightened C.amused D.menaced
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