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The teacher’s pride was distraught when he discovered that half his class had ( )the exam.

A.reassessed B.disdained C.flunked D.redeemed

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During periods of social and cultural stability, many art academies are so firmly controlled by that all real creative work must be done by ( )the disenfranchised.

A.managers B.dogmatists C.imposters D.specialists

Write an essay of about 250 to 300 words on the topic “Cultural Difference and Integration " according to the idea given below in Chinese.不同文化是各民族社会生活存在和发展的外在表现形式,其差异性表现有适应于其文化个性发展的环境、条件和进程,但是国际化的发展使得文化的融合和整合成为必然的趋势,在这一潮流中文化的融合和民族文化的传承和个性发扬似乎是矛盾的存 在,谈谈你的看法和主张。

Veteran doctors can often reflect on past experiences to draw lessons for the present; young resident doctors, however, rarely have the advantages of such( ).

A.retrospection B.vagueness C.hostility D.misconceptions

The doctor prescribed a placebo for the ( )imaginary disease.

A.agoraphobic’s B.intern’s C.hypochondriac’s D.psychotic’s

One strategy is simply to persuade people to stay longer, which provides more time for employers to spot and ( )the best performers.

A.extinguish B.siege C.seduce D.estimate
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