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The history helps explain the vexing dispute between the European Union and the United States over the greatest threat to privacy yet conceived: the hundreds of millions of personal dossiers in computerized and networked da¬tabases.

A.troublesome B.astonishing C.everlasting D.conflicting

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Abortion is a highly emotional issue that does not lend itself to compromise or cool debate.

A.be applied to B.be subject to C.be affected by D.be suitable for

The trend to empty a library is being driven, academicians and librarians say, by the dwinding need forA BCundergraduate libraries, many of them were built when leading research libraries were reserved for graduate studentsDand faculty.

A.empty a library B.driven C.dwinding D.many of them

The system has a different morality as a group than the people do as individuals, which permits it to ( )ineffective or dangerous products, deal dictatorially and often unfairly with suppliers, pay bribes for business, abrogate the rights of employees by demanding blind loyalty to management or tamper with the democratic process of government through illegal political contributions.

A.willfully produce B.a willful produce C.willing produce D.a willing produce

The Taliban once controlled much of this trade, but the recent power vacuum could exacerbate the problem.

A.abate B.aggravate C.evoke D.evade

Photographs taken by the investigators demonstrate in startling detail the monumental damage ( )on the World Trade Center towers and buildings in the vicinity.

A.inflicted B.tossed C.disposed D.paralyzed
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