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If you are worried about your English, you should do something to it. You could readmore often, for example, or perhaps take a refresher course.

A.are worried about B.should do something to it C.could read more often D.take a refresher course. E.没有问题

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Wang Ping, we’d like you to (1)an argument for us, since you’re good at geography. Which province is(2) , sichuan or Heilongjiang?

I don’t write (1)letters these days, just an occasional one to an aging aunt of mine. Ordinarily I use e-mail to stay in(2) with people.

I wish that John would write more ( ). I can never read his notes and letters

John is a great (1). The food he makes is always delicious. I wish that I had his (2 )in the kitchen.

Professor Reich’s plane is(1) at 2:30. Can you go to the airport to(2) him up?

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