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s="" segregation="" of="" minorities="" is="" as="" old="" the="" city="" itself.="" african-american="" neighborhoods="" today's="" south="" and="" west="" sides="" are="" located="" in="" exactly="" same="" parts="" 1910.="" from="" 1930="" to="" today,="" these="" african="" america="" have="" been="" represented="" congress="" state="" house="" by="" politicians,="" who="" done="" very="" little="" (other="" than="" pass="" federal="" benefit="" programs)="" lift="" african-americans="" out="" poverty.="" 2000="" census,="" for="" example,="" ten="" poorest="" census="" tracts="" entire="" united="" states,="" nine="" were="" side="" areas="" ruled="" congressmen="" bobby="" rush="" jesse="" jackson="" jr.="" concept="" western="" imperial="" colonialism="" popular="" literature="" racial="" exploitation.="" continent="" africa="" was="" divided="" up="" into="" “colonies”="" major="" european="" powers="" a="" short="" period="" time:="" just="" seven="" years,="" 1885="" 1892.="" previously,="" britain="" had="" seized="" vast="" territories="" belonging="" other="" cultures="" hundreds="" years.="" but="" 20th="" century="" new="" type="" colony="" invented:="" american="" urban="" colonies="" large="" metropolitan="" midwest="" northeast="" los="" angeles.="" made="" possible="" great="" migration="" north,="" which="" began="" during="" wwi.="" they="" moved="" immediately="" confined="" ghettoes="" defined="" boundaries.="" no="" one="" doubts="" that="" this="" intentionally.="" it's="" important="" realize="" not="" created="" racist="" attitudes="" residents="" chicago="" (chicago="" never="" slaves)="" ruling="" political="" elite.="" soon="" population="" expand,="" depression="" hit="" put="" many="" persons="" work.="" fdr's="" response="" create="" deal="" programs="" welfare,="" food="" assistance,="" subsidized="" housing.="" while="" greatly="" helped="" unemployed="" all="" races,="" it="" ghettoization="" their="" people="" what="" can="" only="" be="" called="" cities="" north.="" pattern="" seen="" the 20 largest cities of the United States from 1920 to 2010 is remarkably consistent. In 1920 19 of the twenty largest cities were all located in the North. All of these nineteen cities were from 92.5% to 99% white. The one exception was Baltimore, MD and that was 85% white. It had a slightly larger black population only because it was a port of entry for the slave trade. Similarly, all of these cities saw great increases in their black populations starting in 1920. By 1990 these cities were from 26 to 76% black. These cities did not lose whites because African-Americans moved in. Rather, it is more accurate to say that Americans are a highly migratory group, and the big cities were ports of entry for European immigrants. So as whites left, politicians wanted to maintain their population numbers. By the 2010 Census the cities with the highest black populations were Detroit, MI, which was 83%black, and Newark, NJ which was 52%. (Sources: Census paper No. 76 and Census 2010 Quick facts).And since in all the major industrial cities of the North, the destinations of job-seeking African-American migrants were controlled by Democrats, it is overwhelmingly clear that these great pockets of urban poverty were created and maintained by that one political party. Tragically all of these cities have very high rates of segregation, poor education for African-Americans; high unemployment, single motherhood, and crime. In Chicago, “negro wards” as they were then called, were quickly drawn up: their boundaries reflected (and promoted) the racial segregation of the time. Their political representatives were African-American, and they were expected to deliver votes to the Democratic Party. Most Americans don't know that Chicago is the center for black politics. Furthermore, since Lincoln freed the slaves, African-Americans in Chicago voted for Republicans, until a Democratic Mayor, Anton Cermak, took over; fired all the thousands of African-Americans who Republicans had given city government jobs, and t

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He is ( )of a musician.

A.anybody B.anyone C.somebody D.something
s,="" i="" can="" (="" )the="" fact="" that="" not="" only="" do="" most="" of="" them="" have="" any="" health="" insurance,="" but="" they="" also="" expect="" it="" as="" a="" condition="" living="" in="" this="" country.'>

As a psychotherapist with many patients in their 20's, I can ( )the fact that not only do most of them not have any health insurance, but they also do not expect it as a condition of living in this country.

A.attest to B.contribute to C.modify D.interdict
skills="" as="" they="" proceed="" through="" their="" courses.="" these="" universities="" now="" realize="" that="" basic="" not="" only="" help="" students="" to="" learn="" more="" effectively,="" also="" make="" them="" employable="" once="" have="" left="" the="" university.1.What are the basic skills of the university graduates?2.Some argued that other basic skills like are also expected( ).3.Usually, achievement of these basic skills is not normally required in ( ).4.Why should the results from the University of Nottingham survey be treated with some care?5.How many percent of the sampled achieved acceptable level in all five skill areas according to the passage?'>

Last year, the government asked the University of Nottingham to carry out research on the skills of university students. The findings confirm the disquiet of employers at the lack of basic skills they observe in some graduates. British universities have usually admitted only the best students, so it is surprising to read about these findings.The research showed that less than one university student in five achieves the levels expected of bright 18-year-olds in all three of the key skills of communication, the application of number, and information technology.Some have argued that there are two other key skill areas where students might be expected to show some ability—improving their own learning, and working with others. If we add in these skill areas, the research show that only about a dozen students among nearly two hundred tested across ten universities scored top marks.Not many universities focus on these general, basic skills. Indeed, many universities assume that their highly-qualified incoming students have all these skills. But are they right to assume that? If they are not, then university educators may have to start paying more attention to develop such skills than they have in the past.It is of course possible to get a good degree, even form a top-class university, and not necessarily have all-round skills necessary for operating in employment and everyday situations. Some graduates are not at IT; others have difficulty in the application of number skills. Many are poor in communication skills in speech, or writing, or both. For example, many employers note that even highly-qualified graduates have difficulty in giving a clear explanation of something they understand to a group of people listening.Achievement of these skills is not normally requires in high school; however, one might expect students to be better in these skills than they are.The results from the University of Nottingham survey need to be treated with some care; the sample was small, and we only assessed students who could be present at certain times of the day; we were not able to asses every aspect of every skill. But even if we double the number of students tested who achieved level 3 on our tests—just below the minimum level required by employer—two-thirds of first-year students would not achieve these minimum levels.Each of the students took part in a two-and-a-half hour assessment session. During this session they completed pencil-and-paper tests. They also did a group exercise and presentation during which they had to work with others, and then each in turn present an oral report In addition, they were asked to complete a self-report questionnaire covering their knowledge and experience of IT.Many would argue that being brilliant in any one or two of these skills is not enough; students should really have an all-around ability in all these skill areas. The story is much less encouraging when we look at success in a combination of skills. Only about five percent of those sampled achieved acceptable levels in all five skill areas.The fact is that university courses vary a great deal. In some instances, they allow students to do very well at certain things that are highly valued within their academic field. However, these qualities may not transfer easily to other situations.Many employers go to particular institutions, and particular degree subjects, hoping to fin

Because of the strong sun the new sitting-room curtains have ( )from dark blue to grey.

A.fainted B.paled C.bleached D.faded

This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important ( )of American life.

A.fashions B.frontiers C.facets D.formats
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