
Which of the routine maintenance procedures listed is required for starting air receivers?()



C、low exhaust temperature

D、high crankcase pressure

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Most marine biological sewage treatment plants consist of all the following statements except ().

A、aeration tanks

B、settling tanks

C、disinfection agent

D、anaerobic bacteria

When oily water separator is operating, which measure () is wrong.

A、pay attention to operating parameters

B、renew and clean separating units in time

C、check oil level in separator to prevent overload

D、check separating effect, if it is bad, flush with large capacity water pump

Most conducting materials such as copper, aluminum, iron, nickel, and tungsten ().

A、increase in resistance with increased temperature

B、increase in resistance with decreased temperature

C、decrease in resistance with increased temperature

D、increase in conductance with increased temperature

To safeguard the operator and other personnel working on or near a hoisting operation which of the following precautions should be observed?()

A、Keep a load on the hoist until all personnel are finished working

B、Set the load on a movable dolly when transportation may be needed

C、Have one man keep a hand on the load to steady it

D、Insure that the lifting gear capacity is not exceeded

Most anchor handling equipment incorporates () for mooring purposes.

A、cable lifters

B、spur wheels



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