
If you notice smoke coming fro the crankcase exhaust fan outlet of an operating diesel engine, you would suspect()

A、a cracked cylinder liner

B、clogged intake ports

C、broken piston rings

D、a faulty head gasket

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Current flowing in only one direction is called ()

A、alternating current

B、omnidirectional current

C、direct current

D、sinusoidal current

The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to() on most large ships.

A、distribution boards

B、section boards

C、emergency switch boards

D、main switch boards

A pyrometer is an instrument used to measure the temperature of the diesel engine()


B、fuel oil

C、cooling water

D、cylinder liner

If keep the fuel injection of main engine unchanged when ship is fouled, that will causeⅠ.The speed of main engine to be reduced Ⅱ.Ship speed to be reduced Ⅲ.The resistance torque of propeller to be increased Ⅳ.Trim at stern to increase()

A、Ⅰ + Ⅱ

B、Ⅰ ~ Ⅲ

C、Ⅰ ~ Ⅳ

D、Ⅰ + Ⅱ + Ⅳ

An oxygen indicator will detect ().

A、the amount of oxygen in a space

B、the presence of harmful amounts of carbon monoxide

C、concentrations of explosive gas

D、All of the above

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