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Diamonds have little ( )value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.

A.extinct B.permanent C.surplus D.intrinsic

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The use of seat belts is ( )in many countries in the world; failure to wear them may result in fines.

A.covert B.cruel C.compulsory D.constrained

He gave her a long and insolent stare.

A.unblinking B.sly C.affectionate D.insulting

I argued with Morton until the wee hours of the morning, but he remained ( )in his refusal to finance the project.

A.subdued B.generous C.obstinate D.courteous

The use of robots and automated machinery has eliminated certain ( )factory jobs.

A.thrilling B.timid C.enticing D.tedious

A series of rifle shots disturbed the ( )of the camp grounds.

A.solidarity B.tranquility C.equanimity D.propinquity
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