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This spacious room is( ) furnished with just a few articles in it.

A.lightly B.sparsely C.hardly D.rarely

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If you are worried about your English, you should do something to it. You could readmore often, for example, or perhaps take a refresher course.

A.are worried about B.should do something to it C.could read more often D.take a refresher course. E.没有问题


We can’t do research in that area without getting the permission from the local authorities. They have control over these matters and could arrest us if we tried to work there without their consent.

A.do research in that area B.getting the permission from the C.have control over D.could arrest us if we tried E.没有问题

There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company.

A.on occasion B.at present C.by now D.for sure

The meeting was originally scheduled for 9:30, but we’ve just heard that it’s been ( )till 3 o’clock this afternoon. I’m not ( )why this time has been changed.句意: 会议原本定在九点半,但我们刚刚听说它被推迟到今天下午三点钟了。没人通知我为什么改时间。

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