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The ( )is nearly dead, so I cannot start the car again.

A.bean B.beam C.brake D.battery

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Despite all the refinements of subtlety and the dogmatism of learning, it is by the common sense and compassion of readers that are uncorrupted by the prejudices of some opinionated scholars( )the characters and situations in medieval and Elizabethan literature, as in any other literature, can best be judged.

A.that B.which C.what D.×

But two hurdles stand in the way of Russia’s realizing its space dreams: a collapsing public-education system and a brain drain that for decades has been siphoning off the country’s highly trained engineers as they move to better-paying jobs in the West.

A.obstacles B.prophecies C.hassles D.outcomes

Blues comes from that sense of not being at the centre, “from nothingness? From want, from desire,” as W. C. Handy put it. Bessie became the incarnation of that absence, darkness, death”.

A.discarnating B.materialization C.personification D.representative

Inductive reasoning involves making useful generalization about the environment [A]as a whole,based on a necessarily limited number of observations. [B]As so, it is an important tool that people [C]use to build the models of reality they need to function effectively. [D]While conclusions can be wrong if observations are faulty or are drawn from an unrepresentative sample, if properly used, it can be incredibly powerful.

A.as a whole B.As so C.use to D.While

My purpose is to consider if, in political society, there can be any legitimate and sure principle of government, taking men as they are and laws as they might be. In this inquiry I shall try always to bring together( )with ( )so that justice and utility are in one way divided.

A.which right permitted...which interest prescribed B.what right permits...which interest prescribed C.what right permits...what interest prescribes D.which right permitted...what interest prescribes
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