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The author thinks that ______.
A.many people have labored to be leaders
B.leaders are beyond our understanding
C.the essence of leadership has not been grasped
D.the definitions of leadership should vary

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Which of the following can best express the main idea of the passage?
[A] How to decide your reading speed..
[B] How to raise your reading speed.
[C] How to improve your reading skills.
[D] How to choose your reading materials.

According to some authorities, there will be expected a class of supersmart children be-cause of
[ A] the booming of higher learning.
[ B] the revived zeal for marriage.
[ C] the denial of the supposed inferiority of parents.
[D] the shift of one scale of measurement to another.

In regard of leadership competencies, the author suggests that people have ______.
A.believed in their existence
B.learned to apply them extensively
C.found it very difficult to acquire them
D.been unable to realize their importance

Several big names are mentioned in the first paragraph mainly to show their ______.
A.different styles of leadership
B.effective exercise of leadership
C.contributions to the theory of leadership
D.wisdom in applying the theory of leadership

The examination system we are now using can only make the students _____.
[A] gain more and more knowledge
[B] make rapid progress
[C] remember what is taught
[D] think for themselves

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